SIBF 2025 18-22 June, 2025 l COEX Halls A & B1

Guest of Honor Pavilion

Bogotá International Book Fair(2022)


FILBo 2022

Bogotá International Book Fair 2022

The Korean Pavilion at the Bogotá International Book Fair 2022 explores “togetherness” through the relationships between people and people, nations and other nations, and people and nature. Although the history of conflict between human beings is long, we are still here on earth, as we have sought ways to resolve the conflicts and live together. Thus, the history of conflict, when turned inside out, is a history of love and reconciliation. The answer to today’s heightened contention on inequality and gender issues lies in the wisdom we have acquired from the past as well as in our ability to imagine a new world. Countries around the globe seek ways to coexist rather than battle toward a destructive ending; this is because humanity has evolved to survive this way. Now we must apply the principle of “togetherness” to our relationship with nature.

<공존 / Togetherness / Convivencia>

Korea once faced a crossroads between East Asian values and Western ideologies. Emerging from the period of colonization, it had to rise above conflicts between individuals as well as conflicts between individuals and the government to devise ways of living together. As the only remaining divided nation on earth, Korea has had to think deeply about coexistence amidst the ambivalent feelings of love and hate. Now, after achieving unprecedentedly rapid development, it is experiencing the consequences of its impact on nature and contemplating ways to coexist with the natural environment. Traces of this contemplation can be found imprinted in the books that will be introduced in Bogotá. We ask Colombian readers to join hands with Koreans in this contemplation. In celebration of the 60 years of diplomatic relations between Korea and Colombia, Korea hopes that two countries on opposite sides of the globe can discuss “togetherness” and find hope for the future.

Korean Pavilion

Opening Ceremony