SIBF 2025 18-22 June, 2025 l COEX Halls A & B1


Book Talk Program

Genre Focus: A Deeper Look at Genres

Several Ways to Avoid a Serial Killer

Are serial killers born or made? Based on the wealth of experiences that they have learned from studying criminal psychology and covering the scene for many years, we can listen to 'Human Malice' and the story behind the novel from Seo Mi-ae and Maxim Chattam, who have now established themselves as the leading mystery/thriller writers in Korea and France.

l Speaker: Maxime Chattam (Novelist), Seo Mi-ae (Novelist)
l Moderator: Kim Hong-min (CEO of Booksfear)

- Date/Time: September 8 (Wed) 15:00–16:30
- Location: S Factory Sector D, Book Roof

French Imagination, Sci-fi, and Philosophy

Being able to imagine a different world is the reason why Sci-fi / fantasy literature is absolutely necessary in the era of stopping here and now.

l Speaker: Bernard Werber (Novelist)
l Moderator: Chung Bo-ra (Novelist)

- Date/Time: September 8 (Wed) 18:00–19:30
- Location: S Factory Sector D, Book Roof

Societal Detective Fiction: Between Boundaries and Reality

We talk about the dark shadows and absurdities of society that are revealed through the deaths of the marginalized, and the boundaries that come into contact with reality.

l Speaker: Olivier Truc (Writer), Song Si-woo (Writer)
l Moderator: Jung Myung-seop (Writer)

- Date/Time: September 9 (Thu) 12:00–13:00
- Location: S Factory Sector D, Book Roof

Writing and Reading Mystery/Thriller Novels: Present Conditions and Future Changes

Advancements in technology have brought about new tricks, ethical concerns regarding the portrayal of victims, and changing conditions in writing and reading mystery/thriller novels. In this lecture, we will discuss how writers should approach their works based on these circumstances, and explore the kind of reading experience that readers might be seeking.

l Speaker: Michel Bussi (Writer), Bernard Minier (Writer), Kim Un-su (Writer), Do Jin-gi (Writer)
l Moderator: Heo Hui (Critic)

- Date/Time: September 10 (Fri) 18:00–19:30
- Location: S Factory Sector D, Book Roof

How does detective technique expand imagination?

"Perfect Happiness" starts from the seemingly obvious proposition that ‘Humans seek happiness’, while paying attention to the noise that occurs when ‘my’ happiness collides with other people’s happiness. Through the narcissist who fell into the swamp of narcissism, relentlessly removing obstacles to sustain his happy moments, she poses a heavy literary question to a society preoccupied with harmless and pure happiness.

l Speaker: Jeong You-jeong (Writer), Hannelore Cayre (Writer)
l Moderator: Kim Da-eun (Professor at Chugye University for the Arts)

- Date/Time: September 10 (Fri) 18:00–19:30
- Location: S Factory Sector D, Book Roof