SIBF 2025 18-22 June, 2025 l COEX Halls A & B1


Theme Lecture



The millennials are becoming influential on fields such as film, broadcasting, literature, and online sphere, and important in areas such as politics, culture, and consumption. There is an opportunity to explore main keywords of the millennial generation from various perspectives in the SIBF keyword lectures and the point of contact between social phenomena and literature.

Labor for Millennials

Speakers discuss the meaning and value of labor, and the way of consumption for the millennial generation who are often called a generation that gave up on a number of things (N-Po generation). This discussion involves labor and class entangled with taste and gender, which are keywords of millennials.

ㅣSpeakers: Jang Ryu-jin (Novelist), Kim Sa-wol (Musician), Kim Kyu-hang (Columnist and Publisher)

ㅣModerator: Cheon Gwan-yul (Sisan Reporter)

- Date/Time: October 17 (Sat) 14:00–15:30

- Location: Offline (Community House MASIL), Online (SIBF Official Website)


All about “Queer Narrative”

Speakers discuss how queer narrative exists in the Korean literature and theater, given that “queer culture space” is becoming more colorful. Speakers explore the expandability of dialogue on queer narrative.

ㅣSpeaker: Cho Wu-ri (Novelist), Lee Ri (Theater Actor)

ㅣModerator: Kim Hyeon (Poet)

- Date/Time: October 17 (Sat) 17:00–18:30

- Location: Offline (Community House MASIL), Online (SIBF Official Website)

Feminism Reboot

Speakers touch on feminism which became a hot topic in Korean society and examine “feminism reboot,” which is progressing from being studied to being implemented.

ㅣSpeakers: Gwon Kim Hyeon-young (Women’s Studies Scholar), Lee Da-hye (Cine21 Reporter)

ㅣModerator: Son Hee-jeong (Culture Critic)

- Date/Time: October 18 (Sun) 14:00–15:30

- Location: Offline (Community House MASIL), Online (SIBF Official Website)