SIBF 2025 18-22 June, 2025 l COEX Halls A & B1



Too Many Roads: Presentation Colombian Short Story Anthology

Too Many Roads: Presentation Colombian Short Story Anthology

Presentation of the editorial project developed in parallel by Colombia and Korea within the framework of FILBo and SIBF, which brings together stories by some of the most significant writers in each country. From the general slogan of the book fair "One small step", we will talk about meeting points, similarities and differences between the texts included in these anthologies.

ㅣ Speakers: Margarita García Robayo, Laura Ortiz, Juan Gabriel Vásquez (Prerecorded), Choi Eun-young (Novelist), Kang Hwa-gil (Novelist)
ㅣ Moderator: Andrés Felipe Solano (Anthologist)

- Date/Time: June 4 (Sat) 12:00–13:30
- Location: Book Salon