SIBF 2025 18-22 June, 2025 l COEX Halls A & B1


Event Program

Stayhome Book Curation - Own Entanglement

Stayhome Book Curation - Own Entanglement

Create your exhibition in your room based on the 2020 SIBF exhibition. “Entanglement” is the keyword for you to prepare this exhibition. With your books and library collections, you can curate books and share on Instagram. It will be automatically displayed on the SIBF “entanglement” exhibition page.

- Date: October 9 (Fri)–25 (Sun)
- Location: Instagram & SIBF Website

▶ How to Participate
① Watch the lecture by book curator CHO Sung-eun
(“how to make my book curation”) on the SIBF website.
② Complete your book curation with the keyword (entanglement).
③ Upload the completed curation on Instagram(hashtag requirement: #StayhomeBookCuration #Entanglementexhibition #2020SIBF)
④ The uploaded curation is displayed on the SIBF web page
during the SIBF

Creating Your Own Book Curation: A Guide by Book Curator Jo Seong-eun

① A Foretaste of Book Curation

② Learning About Book Curation