SIBF 2025 18-22 June, 2025 l COEX Halls A & B1


[SIBF 2024] Registration for International Exhibitors closing early (~21 Feb 2024)

  • Date : 2024.02.21 17:23
 We are closing 
 International Exhibitors Early! 
 Registration Closing on 21 Feb 2024 
 18:00 (KST) 🔥 
🚩 Due to the limited availability of Stands, we are closing early.

  • If you haven't fully submitted your application yet, Please complete your application by 21 Feb 18:00 (KST).
  • Please check your application status on my page .
  • Application status should be shown as Submission Completed.
Registration Schedule
  • Basic :  ~ 21 February, 2024 18:00 (KST)
     Due to the limited availability of Stands, we are closing early.
How to register for SIBF 2024 
Register for Online Registration Form on SIBF website.
You should select "exhibitor" status when you register.