SIBF 2025 18-22 June, 2025 l COEX Halls A & B1


Special Feature 〈Climate Gourmet〉

The Climate Gourmet presents a proposal for everyone on the planet to adopt a healthy diet.

Farming has been overtaken by human avarice and economic greed. As a result, what ought to be the most natural of all activities is actually harming the planet. However, there are still farmers who preserve and maintain healthy farming practices, and organizations that produce food naturally while minimizing artificial modifications.

We will also introduce you to brands that are finding new ways to replace foods that have become difficult to cultivate naturally due to climate change and pollution in the soil and oceans, while also finding ways to live in harmony with the other life forms on our planet.

Discover the joy and diversity of a diet that benefits both the planet and yourself at Climate Gourmet!











our planeat

our planeat



MOONSA Vegan food & life style from Jeju

MOONSA Vegan food & life style from Jeju

Farm Woobo

Farm Woobo

TOMARROW tomarrow Tomarrow

TOMARROW tomarrow Tomarrow

Participating Brands 

Creatures that Maintain the Earth’s Life Cycle

We may not see them, but there are a multitude of unseen microorganisms that inhabit the Earth alongside us.
They rotate the soil and forge new interactions with raw materials sourced from nature, forming beneficial bacteria and making our food even tastier.
Here are some brands that are committed to repairing soil damage and fostering a virtuous cycle on our planet in partnership with microorganisms.

TOMARROW tomarrow Tomarrow

Tomato diversity for a better tomorrow



The youngest son of a beekeeping family creates a joyful honey-making culture.



Brewing alcohol that‘s worth a drink


Farm Woobo

Farm Woobo cultivates some 450 species of native rice in the Goyang and Yangpyeong areas of Gyeonggi-do.



The pink flush of fermentation puts a modern twist on the turnips of Ganghwado Island.

Alternatives in a Crisis

Is the vegan diet just for vegetarians? Diet may no longer be just a personal choice, but a basic act required to survive the climate crisis. What are we supposed to eat when anthropogenic climate change and pollution in our soil and oceans make it impossible to get the nutrients we need from nature? What are we supposed to eat for the sake of the other life forms that share our planet? Learn about brands that strive to overcome the crisis faced by our planet and facilitate symbiotic lifestyles.

MOONSA Vegan food & life style from Jeju

This Jeju store and factory that makes the vegan butter “But” is Korea’s first to be licensed for food production.



Fermentation means listening to nature.


our planeat

Change at the dinner table: three chances to change the world every day!



Alternative seafood that benefits the Earth and the marine ecosystem



A new standard for the meat of tomorrow, because a plant-based diet ought to be fun!
