SIBF 2025 18-22 June, 2025 l COEX Halls A & B1


Asia Independent Publishing

Recently, many art book fairs have been held in success and a number of independent publishers and independent bookstores have sprung up.

This trend is not confine to Korea. SIBF offers a moment to explore the meaning of independent publishing in Asian countries that have unique publishing ecologies of their own. What are included in the category of ‘independent publishing’ and who are their producers? What do the producers produce and how do they distribute it? Recent trends and issues revolving around these questions will be discussed, alongside an opportunity to actually see each country’s independent publications. ‘Asia Independent Publishing Exhibition’ takes the opportunity to understand the trends of Asian independent publishing at a glance, by gathering independent publications from Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, China, and Thailand.

Taiwan l Shauba Chang (Publisher of Independent Magazine waterfall / Representative of Independent Publishing Company dmp editions)
Singapore l Renée Ting (Director of Singapore Art Book Fair)
Japan l Shie Okabe (Representative of Independent Bookstore utrecht / Co-organizer of Tokyo Art Book Fair)
China l Qing Zhou & Wei Guan (Representative of Independent Bookstore Bananafish Books / Art Director of Shanghai Art Book Fair)
Thailand l Piyakorn Chaiverapundech (Representative of Design Studio STUDIO 150 / Co-founder of Bangkok Art Book Fair)

Participated Publishers

- Personal: Lizzyblues / SOMETHING / SIWA / haehaebooks
- Architecture · Regional · Society: GARM Magazine / The object / RAWPRESS / BROADCALLY / chaegbang yeonhui / conceptzine
- Design: book works / CORNERS
- Photography · Film: World of DDanjit + frame/page / MAGNETIC 5 / VOSTOK PRESS / Traveltown / PRISMOf PRESS / piece
- Essay · Novel · Poetry: DASIBOOKSHOP / BYEOL BIT DEUL / byeolcheck /
warm gray and blue / afterbooks / HOW WE ARE
- Illustration · Comics · Graphic Novels: 0.1 / ELUR / Kkamanke Press / NOrmal A / JJOKKPRESS / Textcontext / Hwang Jung won
- Feminism · LGBTQ: OOMZICC PUBLISHER / guulpress / Cine Feminism Magazine <SECOND>
- Overseas Participating Teams: BANANAFISH BOOKS / dmp editions / STUDIO 150 / UTRECHT