SIBF 2025 18-22 June, 2025 l COEX Halls A & B1


『Your Next Book』

  • Date : 2022.12.30 10:23


Due to the cancellation of Bologna Children’s Book Fair caused by COVID-19, we sent an brochure which introduces 50 Korean publications recommended by Korean critics and editors.

Here are some contens of Children & Young Adult books introduced in 'Your Next Book'. More details can be found in the attached file in 'Media' board.

The promotional material presented herein totals 50 publications and consists of 14 works of fictions, 10 poetry collections, 12 essays 10 childrens, and young adult books, and 4 comics, and graphic novels. These represent a diverse sample of works recommended by editors, translators and Korean literary critics rising to international prominence. It is our hope that publications of this type can pave the way in highlighting influential authors and literary works worthy of promotion and distribution overseas.