SIBF 2025 18-22 June, 2025 l COEX Halls A & B1


[SIBF2023] Register as a Professional! (~14th April)

  • Date : 2023.03.24 17:42
Register now as a Professional!
Professional Registration OPEN ?

The Seoul International Book Fair 2023 manages the Rights Center as a platform to facilitate and arrange import and export consultations for copyright managers and agencies in and out of Korea.
The SIBF Rights Center aims to be a place for global rights and licence trade, and for widening your business contacts. 
We sincerely hope for the active use of the center by copyright agencies and personnel.

  •   Who     Publishers, agencies and professional personnel
  •  Place    Rights Center located in Coex Hall B1
  •   Date     14th to 17th June  10:00-18:00
                    18th June  10:00-16:00

❗Register Now as a Professional
14th March to 14th April ❗
Korean Publishers Assoication ㅣ Seoul International Book Fair 2023
6, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea ㅣ  +82)02-733-8402(ext. 9928)